Sharing SpeedQuizzing Web Rounds

It is now possible to share rounds which you’ve created in the Question Manager with other SpeedQuizzing Web users using Shared Round Codes.


Whenever a host saves a round in the SpeedQuizzing Web, Question Manager it will now automatically create a Shared Round Code (so long as certain requirements have been met). These requirements are…

The unique Shared Round Code will present itself above the Organiser tab and can be copied to your computer’s clipboard by clicking it.

The code can then be shared with any other SpeedQuizzing Web host to allow them to host this round by selecting ‘Shared Round Code‘ in the Let’s Play SpeedQuizzing area and pasting the code in the box that appears.

Code Expiry date

How do we expect Shared Round Codes to be used?

What Shared Round Codes can do.

What Shared Round Codes don’t allow.