Are YOU Smarter Than A Nine-Year-Old?

Tricky fifteen-question quiz challenges adults on a range of school topics covered in the national curriculum for nine-year-olds
Test found that on average nine-year-olds answered 11 questions correctly – while most adults struggled to get more than seven right
Think you’re smarter than the average nine-year-old? Well, now’s your chance to prove it.
A tricky new quiz sees how you’d do on a range of topics aimed at nine-year-olds in the UK.
The fifteen-question quiz was made on SchoolQuizzing, our free online platform that teachers can use to run fast-paced, multi-round quizzes for their pupils, either in the classroom or remotely, in order to support learning objectives.
The quiz was devised by teachers Ben Knight and Jo Smith, who work at All Saints’ First School in Leek, Staffordshire, to test their Year 4 pupils (aged eight to nine-years-old) – but Ben and Jo also decided to ask a few adults to try it too, with interesting results.
While their Year 4 pupils covered themselves in glory, answering an average of 11 out of 15 questions correctly, the adults didn’t fare quite as well, with most struggling to get more than seven correct.
Commenting on the results, Ben Knight said:
“On paper, you might think that adults would have the upper hand, but it’s fair to say that our Year 4s won hands down, with some of the grown-ups struggling to answer even five questions correctly.”
So, how would you fare? Take the short test below and scroll down to the bottom to find out the answers.
Q1. What Roman numeral represents the number 50?
Q2. This is an outline of which country?
Q3. “At the stroke of midnight, the man turned into a werewolf.” The part of this statement in bold type is an example of:
- a) Subordinate clause
- b) Fronted Adverbial
- c) Determiner
- d) Adverb
Q4. Who is the patron saint of Scotland?
Q5. In what year was the Great Fire of London?
Q6. What is the name of the artist who painted this picture?
Q7. What is 11 x 12?
Q8. In meters, what is the average length of the small intestine found in humans?
- a) 1–2
- b) 3-4
- c) 6-8
- d) 10-12
Q9. What is the colour yellow in Spanish?
Q10. The fraction ¾ is equivalent to which decimal?
- a) 5
- b) 4
- c) 25
- d) 75
Q11. What is the name of the process of creating instructions for computers using programme languages?
Q12. Which of the below planets is nearest to the Earth?
- a) Neptune
- b) Saturn
- c) Mercury
Q13. What was the original language of the Roman empire?
- a) Latin
- b) Greek
- c) English
- d) Italian
- e) Spanish
Q14. Animals that eat plants exclusively are defined as what?
- a) Omnivores
- b) Carnivores
- c) Herbivores
- d) Piscivores
Q15. Read the following sentence and identify the connectives and conjunctions: “You should wait for the glue to dry. Then you can begin the painting.”
Q1. L
Q2. Wales
Q3. b – Fronted adverbial
Q4. St. Andrew
Q5. 1666
Q6. Claude Monet
Q7. 132
Q8. c – 6-8
Q9. Amarillo
Q10. 0.75
Q11. Coding
Q12. c – Mercury
Q13. a – Latin
Q14. c – herbivores
Q15. Then