What is SpeedQuizzing, how much does it cost and how do you play it?

Here are the answers to the questions we most commonly get asked
Over the last year, we’ve seen thousands of new hosts and players getting into SpeedQuizzing and, as ever, we’re incredibly grateful for all the support and plaudits we receive, both from newcomers and those folks who have been with us for years.
As you might expect, we love a good question here at SpeedQuizzing, so we thought we’d take this opportunity, with so many new people getting into SpeedQuizzing in recent months, to create a blog post answering some of the most common questions we receive.
The following isn’t exhaustive, but hopefully it serves as a helpful starter for ten!
What is SpeedQuizzing? (The big question we get asked the most!)
SpeedQuizzing is an interactive quiz game that offers all of the excitement of a quiz and game show rolled into one!
It’s been described as the future of quizzing (and the original and best smartphone pub quiz) and it’s certainly proving popular, with SpeedQuizzing games taking place virtually, as well as in hundreds of pubs and bars across the UK every week.
Games are hosted via our online platform by a presenter using a laptop, and instead of using a pen and paper, players answer the questions in real-time through our app, which they can download for free to their personal phone or tablet device. Only one device is required per quiz team.
SpeedQuizzing games are designed to be fast-paced, interactive, entertaining, and hassle-free – both for hosts and players alike.
There’s no need to keep score as that’s done automatically through our software, while multiple game variations are sure to keep energy levels high, with bonus points awarded for the fastest answers to encourage speed and competition.
We’ve done our best to eliminate opportunities to cheat too, with our software making it easy to set time-limits on how long teams have to answer each question.
In keeping with the game show style of our quiz games, individual buzzer sounds can be allocated to each team, while hosts can also use a variety of sound effects to add to the upbeat atmosphere.
And hosts don’t need to spend all day writing their own questions either – unless they really want to, in which case we’ve made it easy to add in your own questions – as we include a free question pack, boasting 67 professionally written questions, including Six from Sinha, with every quiz hosting activation purchased from us. Unlike other quiz companies, every digital question pack we provide is unique – no host will ever receive the same question pack as another host. Our digital question packs can be tailored by topic, age range or level of difficulty, meaning quiz hosts can perfectly cater to the needs and requirements of different audiences. Finally, our question packs are also tailored for international audiences too – it wouldn’t be any use to a US audience having questions all about Coronation Street. Likewise, a UK crowd wouldn’t want to be answering too many questions about the NFL either!
You can see a SpeedQuizzing (Pro) smartphone quiz in action here.
What’s the difference between SpeedQuizzing Pro and SpeedQuizzing Live?
There are two different ways to host and play SpeedQuizzing.
You can choose between SpeedQuizzing Pro and SpeedQuizzing Live.
SpeedQuizzing Pro
Our SpeedQuizzing Pro platform and app has been used since 2011 to host almost 200,000 quizzes in pubs and bars across the UK and all over the world, with players connecting to the quiz and answering the questions on their smartphone or tablet via our free app. It’s also regularly used by corporate clients as part of their own event programmes for employees or other audiences.
Unlike other app-based quizzing platforms, our unique hub-based system doesn’t require Internet and therefore provides unrivalled reliability and lightning-fast accuracy, which is essential for competitive venue-based quizzing.
Because players connect their devices to the host locally via a SpeedQuizzing Hub, they aren’t at the mercy of weak phone signals or substandard venue Wi-Fi. This therefore makes for a reliable, feature-rich quiz experience, which also includes our free to use Speed Bingo game.
Every SpeedQuizzing Pro activation purchased from us comes with its own unique digital question pack, containing 67 questions. These can be tailored by topic, age range or level of difficulty, meaning quiz hosts can perfectly cater to the needs and requirements of different audiences
SpeedQuizzing Live
Our SpeedQuizzing Live platform is perfect for hosting and playing virtual quizzes.
It makes hosting remote quizzes incredibly easy, with players connecting to the quiz and answering the questions on their smart device via our free app. A second Zoom or Teams enabled screen is required so that hosts and players alike can see and hear one another.
It’s got all of the functionality that SpeedQuizzing fans have come to expect from us, including automated scoring, multiple game variations and time-limit settings to reduce the amount of time teams have to answer each question, vastly reducing potential opportunities to cheat.
Every SpeedQuizzing Pro activation purchased from us comes with its own unique digital question pack, containing 67 questions. As with SpeedQuizzing Pro, these can be tailored by topic, age range or level of difficulty, meaning quiz hosts can perfectly cater to the needs and requirements of different audiences
Want to see a SpeedQuizzing Live quiz in action? Check out this one hosted by our co-founder Alan Leach for a few of his musical friends.
How much does SpeedQuizzing cost?
To host a SpeedQuizzing game, you will need to first purchase an activation from us.
An activation to use our virtual quiz hosting platform SpeedQuizzing Live costs £7, while an activation to use SpeedQuizzing Pro, our hosting platform for venue-based quizzes, costs £21, though we do offer considerable discounts for bulk-buying.
Every activation includes a unique digital question pack, containing 67 questions, including Six from Sinha.
The cost of playing a SpeedQuizzing Live (virtual) and SpeedQuizzing Pro (in-venue) games is determined by the host or venue. Often, SpeedQuizzing events are free, but some venues or hosts may charge a minimal amount per team to play.
How do you play SpeedQuizzing?
It couldn’t be any easier to play SpeedQuizzing: simply find an event that you would like to join (virtually or physically) using our handy event finder map, download our app, and make sure you turn up on time! We’ve created this handy step-by-step guide outlining exactly what you need to do.
How do I host SpeedQuizzing events?
Our software makes it incredibly easy and fun to host fast-paced, interactive, virtual or venue-based quiz games, and we pride ourselves on providing unrivalled levels of support to hosts, ensuring you have everything you need to promote and deliver an amazing quiz experience, be it down the pub or from the sanctuary of your own home.
As such, we’ve created this step-by-step guide outlining exactly what you need to do to host an incredible SpeedQuizzing event.
For anything else you’d like to ask us
We always love to hear from existing and new hosts and players, so if you have any further questions, or require any additional quiz-related support, you can always get in touch with us using the contact details provided here.