How to Play SpeedQuizzing Web


SpeedQuizzing Web can be played as a solo player or as a team by sharing a device.

Download the player app

SpeedQuizzing app

  • Search for SpeedQuizzing on the Apple app store, Google Play store or the Amazon app store.

Join The Game


The quiz host will provide you with a 6 digit pin code to input into the SpeedQuizzing app where you will also input a player name or team name.


Play The Game

Letters Question

Input the first letter of the answer, omitting ‘The’ in answers such as ‘The Lion King’ and always using a person’s first name, exampleP” for ‘Sir Paul McCartney’.

Numbers Question

Input a number and press ‘enter’, don’t forget to press enter.

Multiple Choice

Select the correct option from between two and six multiple-choice options read out by the host.

Sequence Question

Tap a sequence in a specified order, such as chronologically, or size order, or alphabetically etc.