SQ Pro v5

SQPRO V5 is here

Although SQPRO V4 is still the main downloadable version on the SQ website,  SQPRO V5 has been released for SpeedQuizzing hosts who wish to try it ahead of it replacing SQPRO V4 altogether.

The good news is that V4 and V5 will install on your computer as separate programs, so you can use both versions for the foreseeable future, whilst you familiarise yourself with the new look and feel of V5.

Is your computer high enough spec?

If it will run V4 then it should run V5. The good news is that SQPRO V4 can remain installed on your laptop as a fallback. Please watch the video on how to activate both versions. https://youtu.be/aN0j_HAedbM?si=l7-nJYon6ZA1qLOU

New Tutorials and How To videos

Be sure to watch these tutorial videos in the Migrating from SQPRO V4 to SQPRO V5 Youtube playlist.


Important things to note

  1. You won’t be able to switch between versions mid-quiz since the team lists are stored separately for V4 and V5. However a single activation can be installed across both versions giving you the option to choose between V4 and V5 prior to the commencement of your event. Find out how here https://youtu.be/aN0j_HAedbM?si=l7-nJYon6ZA1qLOU
  2. The SpeedQuizzing Preferences will all set to their default values when first installing V5, so you may want to check the preferences for Buzzer ID Sounds, Fast Tracking (This didn’t need enabling in V4 but it does in V5), Device Signal Monitor and Waiting Room (Formerly known as New Connections)
  3. If you feel that some of your favourite features are missing in V5, check that Simple Mode is disabled in the SpeedQuizzing Preferences.
  4. The Clips Game in V5 is now only accessible using a keyboard shortcut ctrl shift S on Windows  Command shift S on Mac. Otherwise it works exactly the same as it does in V4.
  5. Now that SQPRO V5 is no longer in beta stage, full support is available through the usual channels and V5 can now be openly discussed on the SQPRO hosts Facebook group. However, please watch these tutorial videos before asking questions.

Latest version of SQPRO V5

SQ Pro version 5.2.34 Windows Installer
SQ Pro version 5.2.34 Mac OS Installer

Check out the SQPRO V5 Discord channel here.